Here’s the latest issue of Sports Litigation Alert, the nation’s only subscription-based periodical reporting on the intersection of sports and the law. We also publish 11 other sports law periodicals. Visit to learn more.
By Gary Chester, Senior Writer In the October 6, 2023 issue of the Sports Litigation Alert, we reported that former University of Arizona assistant football coach Theron Aych had sued the university, its athletic director, and other defendants for improperly.
By Dr. Justin Davis, University of West Florida and Co-Editor of Legal Issues in Sports Betting A recent case has gained attention because it threatens to cause significant changes in the sports gambling industry. The legal dispute between DraftKings and its former.
A federal judge in the District of Columbia (D.C.) has ruled that the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) may return to a high school in D.C. and continue advocating for its religious beliefs. Founded in 1954, FCA is a religious ministry that “supports.
By Robert E. Freeman, Allyson L. Swartzberg, and Jonathan Mollod, or Proskauer There is perhaps no relationship stronger and no love greater than that between a Texan and their favorite college football program… or so we thought. In a legal twist this offseason — and.
By John Banzhaf, Professor of Public Interest Law, George Washington University Law School A federal judge in Oklahoma has become the latest judge to put a hold on enforcement of a new federal rule which would have permitted any male claiming to the female to use.