
Requesting locked services in EAMS    Owners or officers of the business At the Available Services screen, select your business. Under the Business account menu, choose Request access to locked services. Read the Terms of use and select I agree. From the Business role screen, select Yes. On the next screen, select the title of your role from the list. On the Washington State Employment Security Department EAMS authorization request form screen, submit.

Importing wage files in EAMS

Importing wage files in EAMS   The information on this page: Applies if you are reporting wages for only one employer at a time. If you want to submit wages for multiple employers at one time, follow the bulk-filing specifications. Does not apply to Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) wage reporting. Find details about PFML employer requirements and processes on the Paid Leave website. Data file formats we accept EAMS accepts wage data.

About Employer Account Management Services (EAMS)

About Employer Account Management Services (EAMS) EAMS  EAMS is a secure online option for filing quarterly unemployment tax and wage reports and paying unemployment-insurance taxes. It can make your work easier and faster by allowing you to: Check for errors while filing. File faster submissions. Save unfinished work. Upload wage reports for multiple employees at once. Print reports. Look up SOC codes. New EAMS users: Follow.

Additional PEO information

PEO information If you are a “professional employer organization” (PEO) that has clients in Washington state, there are laws that affect you. PEOs are businesses that manage human-resource issues, such as workers’ compensation, payroll and unemployment insurance (UI), for other companies. The law now requires you to register with the Employment Security Department and to make sure that your client employers are also registered. If you represent a client employer for UI purposes, you must.

About EAMS

About Employer Account Management Services (EAMS)  EAMS is a secure online option for filing quarterly wage reports and paying unemployment-insurance taxes. We recommend EAMS as an all-in-one option for submitting wage reports, paying taxes and managing your account with us. IMPORTANT: When setting up EAMS, be sure to enroll in locked services. You'll need locked services to access all of the features listed. Please note.

Bulk filing in EAMS

Bulk filing in EAMS Bulk filing (formerly referred to as ICESA Washington Reporting) is for employers or their agents who prepare quarterly reports for a large number of clients and submit them in a single file. Bulk filing is recommended for employers who report more than 5,000 wage records. Benefits of bulk filing with EAMS Bulk file upload (ICESA): Upload a test or production file and receive instant validation results and confirmation. Amend quarterly reports: Amend a previously.

About SOC

SOC code reporting required In 2019, the Washington State Legislature passed a law requiring employers to report SOC codes or job titles in their quarterly reports for unemployment insurance. Both taxable and reimbursable employers need to report SOC codes or job titles. Reporting SOC codes does not affect your tax rates. Provide a SOC code or job title for each employee in your unemployment insurance tax reports. Otherwise, there may be a penalty. This starts with reports.

Amending a tax report

Amending a previously filed tax and wage report You can amend previously filed quarterly reports electronically or by sending a paper report. To file electronicallyUse Employer Account Management Services (EAMS) To file a paper reportDownload and print an Amended tax and wage report form (Form 5208D) (PDF, 138KB) Fax completed form to 800-794-7657 or mail to:  Employment Security DepartmentUI Tax and Wage AdministrationP.O. Box 9046Olympia, WA 98507-9046   .

Filing a no payroll report

Filing a no payroll report All employers must file a tax and wage report every quarter, including employers who have no payroll for a given quarter. You can file a no-payroll report using Employer Account Management Services (EAMS).  Note: If you do not file a tax report each quarter, you will have to pay a penalty.   .

2021 SharedWork Conference

 (en español) Washington State ESD - SharedWork Conference June 8 - June 9, 2021  WIN with SharedWork - a new path forward to economic recovery. Register for free today!      Keynote Speakers       Acting Commissioner Cami FeekEmployment Security Department Michele EvermoreSenior Policy Advisor US Department of Labor   Serilda Summers-McGeePrincipal & Chief Human Resources.